Sunday, April 28, 2019

Which Digital Radio System? A Comparison of What is on Offer

A frequent question often asked at meetings and lectures is - "Which is the standard Digital Mode for Amateur Radio use". The answer is simple, they are all standards in their own right as are CW, AM, FM and SSB. Would...

Monday, April 15, 2019

Using APRS During the Connemara Ultra Marathon 2019

Time flies, and it does not seem like a year since the last Connemara Ultra Marathon. Our communications systems are well tried, tested and documented, which means we have a wide choice of reliable facilities at our...

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Teamspeak 3, Zello and Internet Radio

Internet Radio Setting up cellular data to access live Amateur RF gateways or repeaters across the world can be easily done. A PTT enabled phone will make it even more like radio operation. It should be borne in mind...

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Peanut for Android and Windows Operating Systems

Those involved with Digital Communications often gravitate to one or more digital modes. DMR is relatively easy to get into with a large number of reasonably priced handhelds available. For some reason, the programming...