Thursday, November 21, 2019

The C4FM Wires-X System

By accessing the local Wires-X Gateway on the dedicated system, EI2SHD, located in Lower Salthill or on the Galway Fusion Repeater, EI2TBR, it is possible to enjoy high-quality QSOs and news function including overseas stations via the Internet.

As shown above, there are numerous possibilities from a C4FM transceiver following a very simple access operation. Once initiated it is simple to navigate by following the on-screen instructions.

Using the C4FM transceiver, and accessible node can be found easily.

1) Press the "DX" key. This will send a search signal to the Wires-X Node

This will result in the Identity of the Node appearing on screen. A message "Search and Direct" will appear. Select that and then select all.

Scroll through the list of Nodes available and select the desired area. Next to the Node name in the list there will be a figure which denotes the number of Nodes connected to it. See Below

Select the Node from the list and wait for it to connect. 

Once the node is connected this screen will appear

It is possible to select news items from the screen or press back to place a general call and chat through the system.

So to summarise the following operations can be performed via a Wires-X Node on a Gateway or Via a Repeater fitted with a Wires-X system.

The News facility is fairly basic but nevertheless makes it possible to leave messages or general text items for others to view. It is further possible to upload pictures on this system.

A Node to which you connect may have one or many more Nodes connected to it in a similar fashion to D-Star or DMR Reflectors. Place a call into the Node and it will come out on many other systems connected.

There is always plenty of activity on CQ-UK and, after 9 pm, many Australian stations connect into the UK Node. Normally there are over 20 Nodes connected. America-Link has a huge number of Nodes connected at any one time and would be another good place to initiate a few calls.

The local Galway Fusion Repeater has Wires-X fitted and will allow plenty of scope to use the news and messaging facility between the two stations.

The Wires-X node consists of a Yaesu FTM100D and HRi200 modem. These are interfaced to a computer which runs the Wires-X node Software.

The Node Software runs continuously on the computer. The EI2SHD node is connected into CQ-UK which is further linked to between 19 and 30 other nodes depending on the time of day. Of particular interest is the link to XRF 925A which is a bridge to D-Star. This is also linked to a "Peanut" app which is an Internet radio system.

The screen of a Wires-X node is shown below

It is from this screen that the parameters of the Wires-X node can be set up. The purple bar indicates all the Nodes connected to CQ-UK and which the system is currently connected to. There are a wealth of Nodes that one can connect to located all over the world. America link probably holds the largest collection of Nodes and usually numbers around 110 Nodes. The ALLJA-CQ-Room tends to be the next most populated. CQ-UK tends to be the best Node for semi local contacts.

EI2TBR is connected to CQ-IRELAND which links to DMR TG2724 and is a good location for the occasional EI calls. If you are reading this from outside of Ireland do give a call on TG2724 or CQ-IRELAND if you would like to get an EI contact.

The EI2GCD Mulit-Mode Gateway runs C4FM and is linked to CQ IRL via the IRL Bridge which also links to Brandmeister TG 2724.

EI2SHD the Wires-X Gateway, located in Salthill, is linked to Wires-X Node CQ-UK, This is Node is quite active both day and night.

The Map below show locations of Wires-X Nodes in Ireland. Sadly this mode is under utilised to date. There are two private Wires-X Nodes showing on the map in Donegal and Kilkenny. There is a 70cm Repeater located on Woodcock Hill, Limerick but this has no connection into the Wires-X system. Multi-Mode Digital Repeaters in the Waterford area can run C4FM and have the facility to operate on the YSF or FCS system. If Programmed to YSF-IRELAND an output on CQ-IRELAND will be possible and if Programmed to FCS-004 it is possible to exit on CQ-UK.

For a more in depth view of the Wires-X system Click >>>Here<<<< for the manual.