There was a good attendance at this Lecture with operators from Galway, Clare, Limerick and Mayo. The PowerPoint presentation covered predominantly DMR and the local Repeater Network. D-Star and Fusion were given time as there are currently facilities in the form of a Repeater and Wires-X gateway for Fusion and a Gateway and Repeater to be set up for D-Star. Basically, all modes were discussed in detail.
Steve, EI5DD, presented the lecture and as can be seen all modern conveniences for presentation, amplified audio with a spacious lecture theatre. The large screens were very sharp and clear making easy work of the display.
The lecture covered the setting up of the network, equipment, locations, coverage from each repeater and operation of same. Subjects like Roaming were discussed and how it would be implemented. Apart from DMR, the Yaesu Fusion and D-Star modes were discussed in detail. In short, there will be something for everybody when the last of the equipment is installed. When the network is completed and running it will give plenty of opportunity for all to experiment with Digital Modes. P25 and NXDN can be implemented on an experimental basis or full time if there is a genuine interest locally.
The lecture covered the setting up of the network, equipment, locations, coverage from each repeater and operation of same. Subjects like Roaming were discussed and how it would be implemented. Apart from DMR, the Yaesu Fusion and D-Star modes were discussed in detail. In short, there will be something for everybody when the last of the equipment is installed. When the network is completed and running it will give plenty of opportunity for all to experiment with Digital Modes. P25 and NXDN can be implemented on an experimental basis or full time if there is a genuine interest locally.
There was 16 present for the lecture from Galway and surrounding counties. As always happens, some could not make it at the last minute but we may be able to do the presentation again sometime if the demand is there.
Special thanks to all that attended this lecture and not forgetting thanks for the use of the facilities in the UCG Insight building.